I’m a designer and photographer behind Kemidesign. offering branding design, stationary, print, and digital design, website design and photography.
I am putting my experience to good use and enjoy creating all sorts of artwork and building relationship with my clients. Besides my creative little home and the shop. I am also a full-time government contractor.
I love what I do and over the years this passion turned into career as both profession and freelance.
Please look around my portfolio, blog, brand packages, and design shop. Feel free to reach out for further information.
Thank you for being here!
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In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean dapibus at arcu sit amet aliquam. Ut tortor dui, ornare a justo at, luctus hendrerit justo. Sed accumsan nisi non justo gravida interdum. Vestibulum venenatis molestie dolor, non ultrices velit ullamcorper ut. Ut molestie lectus eget semper suscipit. Ut vel risus id turpis volutpat porttitor in ut augue